with Choreographic Workshop
Teachers: Annamaria Epifanìa e Guglielmo Cappelli
Monday and Wednesday 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Private personalized lessons are available with prior reservation.
Our course is open for everyone, dancers or not, therapists, educators, actors, teachers, social workers and for…who has a secret dream! Previous experience is not required!
Creative Dance is a fundamental path for those who want to explore the infinite possibilities of their own body and discover, through the movement, the richness of creativity, a new self-consciousness… with lot of fun!
Dance Energy
Creative Dance allows us to discover the energy of the dance that flows within us at any age and physical condition.
It is the awakening of fluency, flexibility, confidence and trust in our body. Imagination and creativity join the movement giving a new life to the language of emotions.
The whole universe is one single dance of life. Starting from the rotation of planets around the sun, to the shamanistic rituals made by the indigenous populations up to the courting dance of the crane, each movement carries within the nature of vibration itself, origin and essence of the entire cosmos.
Technique and Improvisation
Our body has an ancestral memory which finds expression in a great variety of movements: it is the instrument we have to experiment and live our continuous change - rhythm of our own lives.
Each session includes training to release tensions and tone our body, in order to get a rich body vocabulary.
The techniques being used are Contemporary Dance Theatre (Graham – Butoh), Mime and Avant-Garde Theatre which are integrated with eastern psychophysical disciplines - Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Meditation - and releasing stress, energy recharging and creativity enhancing exercises .
Extensive space is dedicated to improvisation, to individual and group creativity moments to reinforce our communication skills and connect us to ourselves and to the others.
Of course, of great inspiration and support to the experimental phase is the vast selection of music from any time and culture.
Choreographic Workshop
The choreographic workshop, which culminates with a final performance is a fundamental part of the course.
A creative and educational path that works on each expressive potentiality, ability to manage individual and group dynamics, communication of emotions to an external audience, and the magic of being "self and other than itself" in the reality/dream game of the theatre space.
Experience with memorization of choreographies , creation of costumes, stage set up and more culminating in the final exhibition, all in a “human professionalism” atmosphere.
Stages – Workshops – Cycles of Individual Sessions
I will never be able to dance! It all starts from here, from this sentence…and it’s already dance!
Ignorance has a great potential for something to express.
Dance Therapy is an art that stimulates and develops creativity and self-knowledge through individual and group dynamics.
Next to a free, spontaneous dance we provide elements that enhance the expressive vocabulary of the body, and together with difficulties, become a real process of personal growth and change.
Training comes from dance techniques, theatre, ethnic dances and other psycho-physical disciplines, combined with meditation, relaxation and improvisation. They regenerate and rebalance body and mind and promote the acceptance of ourselves and others by releasing the will to express ourselves and to dance.
The following are some of the subjects dealt with Dance Therapy :
- Knowledge and confidence with our body in movement
- Awakening and empowering creativity and capacity to express oneself
- Acquisition of the appropriate tools to express the creative experience
- Overcoming of old conditionings and character resistances (shyness, insecurity, anxiety, etc)
- Improvement of the capacity to relate with reality through concentration and attention to our sensations
- Physical contact in harmony with our energy to prevent and cure postural defects
- Development of interaction and communication, both verbal and physical
- Acceptance and revaluation of individual differences
- Comprehension of the mechanisms supporting body language
- Enrichment of own expressive vocabulary through practical exercise
All of this with great serenity, warmth, relaxation, and most of all ... great fun!
You can practice barefoot or with your socks. Centre Zen Anshin room is equipped with parquet. Casual clothing, if possible non synthetic, is suggested. A dressing room is also available for you to change your clothes. Inscriptions to courses are open anytime of the year until spring.
Who doesn’t dance ignores what happens. Gnostic hymn from the II° century.